Prison cell furniture installation

NJL’s latest prison cell furniture refurbishment project has enhanced safety procedures in place, carefully focussed on site safety during Covid-19.

Safe working practice is always paramount, keeping our team, clients, and those close to the working area safe.

Where possible and without compromising integrity, our furniture has been manufactured into smaller components. Enabling it to be handled by one person and therefore maintaining social distancing.

In addition, and in conjunction with our client we have made changes to the sequencing of the project tasks. Each cell is worked on and occupied by only one tradesperson at a time.

We have also introduced an enhanced barrier system to ensure a 2m distance is maintained. Our Site Safety Station now carries surgical grade face masks, hand sanitiser, specialist gloves, and clear guidelines for all.

NJL doing what we do best – professional prison cell furniture refurbishments, safely!

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Ministry of Justice Approved Furniture Contruction Line Gold Member Quality Assurance Management System Evironmental Management System ISO 14001 Certified Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001 Certified CHAS Accredited Contracted Safety Contractor Approved Social Value