Season’s Greetings from NJL

We’ve all been in it together, what a year!

There have been so many challenges and yet with the hard work of our customers, suppliers, and colleagues we have all adapted and achieved great things!

A huge thank you to our customers for your continued support. Massive appreciation to our suppliers who have worked tirelessly to keep things going. And a heartfelt thanks to everyone at NJL who has delivered time and time again through hard work and thinking out of the box.

Wishing everyone a safe festive period and best wishes for the New Year.

The office will be closed from Tuesday 22nd December and re-opens on Monday 4th January, to contact us during this period please email [email protected]

Keep safe and see you in 2021!

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Ministry of Justice Approved Furniture Contruction Line Gold Member Quality Assurance Management System Evironmental Management System ISO 14001 Certified Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001 Certified CHAS Accredited Contracted Safety Contractor Approved Social Value